Fr. Paul’s Blog 8.5.18

May the grace and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you now and forever. Whether you are a member, a regular attendee, or a first-time visitor, we are blessed to have you with us. There was a special buzz around our parish campus this week. From Tuesday through Thursday, we hosted a family of six through Family Promise. Once again, with relatively short notice, our parish members and friends stepped up to welcome and give comfort and support to this young family trying to establish permanent, stable housing for themselves. In that same time frame, we twice hosted lunch for the hungry and hurting in our community through the Caring Kitchen, another one of our outreach partners in grace. Both days we had an incredible team of volunteers who prepared, served, and clean-up lunch for over sixty people! Adding to the buzz on campus, Mrs. Kathy Yates and Mrs. Morgan Miller, two of our Day School teachers, were busy preparing their classrooms for the new school year. Meanwhile, Mrs. Liz Ryan, our Day School director, was hiring our new PK-3 teacher, Mrs. Vanessa Koziara. We are thrilled to welcome Mrs. Koziara to our Day School family! The buzz continued as we welcomed Chris Redding, our new parish communications coordinator. Chris brings a wealth of experience and a deep sense of mission to our parish office staff. Finally, with the new school year just a week away, next weekend, at our 10 am service, we will bless backpacks and the students who carry them! At all services next weekend, we will also bless all teachers and mentors. I encourage you to bring your favorite teacher to church next weekend for this special blessing.

In Christ,

– Paul