Fr. Paul’s Blog 2.24.19

May the grace and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the fellowship
of the Holy Spirit be with you now and forever. Whether you are a member, a regular
attendee, or a first-time visitor, we are blessed to have you with us.
This weekend we celebrate Stephen Ministry, a special one-to-one lay caregiving
ministry. At worship, we will hear testimonies from some people who have received
care from a Stephen minister. At our 10 am service, we will commission Ellie Holdridge
as our Stephen Ministry Leader. In the courtyard, we will have an information table set-
up so that you can learn more about receiving care from a Stephen minister and about
becoming a Stephen minister.
The revitalization of our Stephen Ministry has been a priority for us since we crafted our
Vision 2020 Strategic Plan. I’m so grateful to Ellie Holdridge, who said yes to God’s call
to serve in leadership of this vital ministry of Christ-centered caregiving. Her leadership
is a tremendous blessing for all of us at St. Paul’s. I’m also very grateful to our current
Stephen ministers, who have served so faithfully in the past and who have waited
patiently for us to revitalize this ministry. Soon, these trained Stephen Ministers will be
providing quality, Christ-centered caregiving to people in our community.
If you or someone you know would like to receive care from a Stephen minister, please
visit the information table in the courtyard after this service. If you feel called to provide
quality, one-to-one Christ-centered care to others, please visit the information table in
the courtyard to learn more about becoming a Stephen Minister. To everyone, please
pray that God will bless and guide our Stephen Ministry!
In Christ,
Fr. Paul+