Fr. Paul’s Blog – 10.20.19

While here in south Florida Mother Nature does not provide us with the same visible signs of the seasons changing like many places up north, we are blessed to mark the season change with the arrival of many of our seasonal residents. Here at St. Paul’s, it is a special joy to welcome home many of our seasonal members and friends, our “northern lights!” Our active parish life is becoming even more so, and that is a joy.
This Sunday, after our 10 am service, we will have a newcomers lunch and church tour. If you have never been to a newcomers lunch nor taken a tour of our church campus, I invite you to join us. We will gather in the courtyard where we will begin our church tour and then enjoy lunch together.
Our “Formed and Informed by Faith” Sunday forum series continues this Sunday with a presentation on climate change by Lorna Scott. Lorna is our adult Christian education coordinator, and environmental sustainability is one of her passions. One of the Episcopal Church’s five marks of mission, as adopted by the 2009 General Convention, is “To strive to safeguard the integrity of creation and sustain and renew the life of the earth.” I encourage you to come and learn more about the Episcopal Church’s policy positions on climate change.
Finally, I’m happy to share that we will celebrate a Yoga Mass this Tuesday evening, October 22 at 7pm. This peaceful, prayerful, and holistic prayer experience is a true blessing. Leading the service with me will be our two gifted yoga instructors, Patti Daniell and Sally Grillo. Come and join us, and let God bring you healing and wellness of body, mind, and soul.

Blessings in Christ,
Fr. Paul+