Fr. Paul’s Blog – 1.26.20


“Live a God-Pleasing Life”

This weekend we celebrate our patronal Feast Day, the Conversion of St. Paul. As is our custom, we also celebrate our stewardship in-gathering. On Sunday at 9:15 am, we will have our Annual Parish Meeting, at which we will elect our four new Vestry members, present our 2020 Budget that has been approved by our Vestry, and honor our Volunteer of the Year. At all of our weekend services, we will place our 2020 pledges on the altar and ask God to bless our gifts of financial support to St. Paul’s. On Sunday evening at 5:00 pm, we will celebrate our Annual Festive Pot-luck Meal at the Delray Beach Golf Club. We have one table available for those who have not yet signed-up. The sign-up sheet for this last table is in the courtyard. Childcare will be provided on premises.

Our four new Vestry candidates are Tom Glanfield, Bill Hurd, Ron Shipka, and Elaine Wotton. As we prepare to welcome them to the servant-leadership ministry of vestry, we thank Ron Backer, Craig Dickmann, John Putnam, and Phil Wotton, our four out-going Vestry members who complete their three-year terms of service. These four faithful servants of the Lord have given generously and graciously of themselves for the benefit of our parish family and for that we are deeply grateful.

May God bless all of us with the grace to live a life that is pleasing in God’s sight!

In Christ,
Fr. Paul+