Fr. Paul’s Blog – 1.19.20


Next Sunday, January 26th, we will enjoy our 2020 Stewardship in-gathering. We will have our Annual Parish Meeting at 9:15 am. Because of our Parish Meeting, our second Sunday morning service next week will begin at 10:30 am. I encourage you to attend our Annual Parish Meeting, at which we will elect our four new Vestry members, present our 2020 Budget that has been approved by our Vestry, and honor our Volunteer of the Year. At all of our weekend services we will place our 2020 pledges on the altar and ask God to bless our gifts of financial support to St. Paul’s. Next Sunday evening at 5:00 pm, we will celebrate our Annual Festive Pot-luck Meal at the Delray Beach Golf Club. Be sure to sign-up to join a table! The sign-up sheets are in the courtyard. Childcare will be provided.

This weekend we will hear personal testimony from Bill Hurd, a long-time member of St. Paul’s and our retired parish administrator. Bill will give personal witness on the topic of generosity, a hallmark of God and all those who believe in God.

Finally, I want to invite you to join us this Sunday afternoon at 12:15 pm at the Boynton Beach Cinemark Theater to watch “Just Mercy,” the hit movie based on Bryan Stevenson’s book of the same title. Mr. Stevenson is the founder of the Equal Justice Initiative and this moving film tells the story of one of his first cases. After watching the movie, we will gather in Bush Hall at 2:45 pm for a discussion. What an appropriate way to celebrate the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.!

May God bless all of us with the grace to live a life that is pleasing in God’s sight!

In Christ,
Fr. Paul+