Fr. Paul’s Blog – 2.2.20


Last weekend, as we celebrated our patronal Feast Day and held our Annual Parish Meeting, we elected Tom Glanfield, Bill Hurd, Ron Shipka, and Elaine Wotton as our four new Vestry members. The Vestry re-elected Roy Simon as our Junior Warden, elected Bill Hurd as our third Convention Delegate (joining Margo Vuicich and Kamy Moghbeli) and elected Deborah Cartwright-Clough and Beth George as our alternate Delegates. I’m happy to share that Patty Kollander is our new Senior Warden.

At our Annual Parish Meeting, we also recognized Judy Fenney and her late husband Nick with the newly renamed “Barbara Clifford Spirit of St. Paul’s Award” for their incredible ministry with the homeless, hungry, and poor in our community. What had been known as the “Volunteer of the Year Award” was renamed to permanently honor the irreplaceable ministry of Barbara Clifford, who served as a full-time volunteer in our church office for many years.

Last weekend was brought to a festive conclusion with our annual pot-luck meal at the Delray Beach Golf Club. I want to thank Beth George, Jane van Gigch, and Caren Kilpatrick (the meal coordinators), and all of the other volunteers who helped to make the gathering so wonderful. It truly was a great time to celebrate all the blessings God has bestowed upon our church family!

This weekend, as we turn the calendar page and begin the month of February, we do so by celebrating the Presentation of Our Lord, a Feast Day in which we commemorate the presentation of the infant Jesus in the Temple of Jerusalem. Simeon, with prophetic words, foretells that this child will be “a light for revelation to the Gentiles and for glory to your people Israel.”[Luke 2:32] May God bless us in our common call to reflect the light of Christ’s love to all those people and circumstances we encounter.

In Christ, Our Light,
Fr. Paul+