Fr. Paul’s Blog – 1.12.20


This weekend we have our final stewardship bible studies and small group discussions as we prayerfully discern our 2020 pledge commitments to support the ministry of St. Paul’s. After both the 5 pm Illuminated Worship on Saturday and the 10 am Sunday Service, there will be gatherings in the Parish Hall that will include a presentation of our 2020 budget.

As part of our 2020 stewardship program “Living a God-Pleasing Life,” we will hear personal testimony from Gail Wright, an active church member who worships regularly at the 5 pm Illuminated Worship service. Gail will talk about how being a disciple of Jesus Christ defines her life.

Next weekend we will hear personal testimony from Bill Hurd, a long-time member of St. Paul’s. Bill will give personal witness on the topic of generosity.

Finally, our “Living a God-Pleasing Life” 2020 Stewardship pledge drive will culminate on Sunday, January 26 with our parish in-gathering events. We will consecrate our 2020 pledges, asking God to bless our gifts of financial support to St. Paul’s. At 9:15 am on Sunday, January 26, between our two morning services, we will have our Annual Parish Meeting. That evening, starting at 5 pm, we will celebrate our Annual Festive Pot-luck Meal at the Delray Beach Golf Club.

May God bless all of us with the grace to live a life that is pleasing in God’s sight!

In Christ,
Fr. Paul+