Fr. Paul’s Blog – 6.16.19


Whether you are a member, a regular attendee, or a first-time visitor, we are blessed to have you with us.
This weekend we celebrate the gift of fatherhood. In doing so, we give God thanks for all those men in our lives who nurtured and encouraged us along the journey of life. We will ask God’s blessing on all our men this special weekend and prayerfully commend to God’s mercy our deceased fathers.
We also celebrate Trinity Sunday this weekend. With roots dating back to the second century, Trinity Sunday was officially promulgated in the early fourteenth century as a feast day to be celebrated in Western Christendom on the Sunday after Pentecost. This feast invites us to reflect evermore deeply on the mystery of faith that recognizes one God in three persons, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. All that we do as Christians is done in the name of our Triune God, who is constantly creating, redeeming, and sanctifying us.
Finally, I want to thank once again our incredible staff members and volunteers who made Vacation Bible School 2019 such a wonderful experience for our children and their families. We were blessed by so many good people!

In the Name of God, who is Father, Son, and Holy Spirit,
Fr. Paul+