Fr. Paul’s Blog 7.22.18

Welcome! May the grace and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you now and forever. Whether you are a member, a regular attendee, or a first-time visitor, we are blessed to have you with us. “Come away to a deserted place all by yourselves and rest a while.” These are Jesus’ words to the apostles after their missionary journey. Jesus understood the importance of rest and recreation. The gospels attest to the fact that Jesus often took time away, for prayer, leisure, and refreshment. I hope this summertime is providing you and your family opportunities to get away from the busy-ness of your daily life and rest a while. It is so important for our personal wellness and for the well-being of our relationships. The rest and refreshment often provided by getting away without any agenda other than doing what is life-giving helps to renew us in so many ways. You may remember Southwest Airline’s old ad campaign, in which someone would find himself or herself in an awkward moment and hear the tag line “wanna get away?” Jesus’ invitation to “come away” is not limited to escaping embarrassing situations. It is a call to balance, to wholeness, and to an opportunity for renewal.

In Christ,

 – Paul