Fr. Paul’s Blog – 5.19.19

Jesus Christ is Risen! He is Risen indeed!
Welcome! Whether you are a member, a regular attendee, or a first-time visitor, we are blessed to have you with us.
This Sunday we honor our Jubilate Youth Choir, who will be singing at the 10 am service. The children in this choir, and their parents and guardians who support them, are a tremendous blessing to our parish family. Having been re-established two years ago, this musical ensemble continues to flourish. In fact, they recently created several music videos (MTV here they come!) which will be used for worship at Vacation Bible School (VBS) the first week of June.
As we honor these children who give the gift of voice to our worship, I want to thank Dr. Paul Cienniwa, our Director of Music Ministries, for his outstanding leadership of this ministry of praise. If your child is interested in joining our Jubilate Choir, I invite you to speak with Dr. Paul and encourage your child to get involved.
Also at our Sunday 10 am service, we will have the joy of welcoming Gracey Maun Moyer into the Church through the life-giving waters of baptism. What makes this celebration particularly special is that Gracey’s grandmother Barbara was also baptized here. Welcome Gracey Maun to your new life in Christ!

In Christ, our risen Lord,
Fr. Paul+