Fr. Paul’s Blog 1.20.19

We are now in the midst of our 2019 Stewardship Pledge Drive. This annual drive is our opportunity to celebrate our blessings as we commit our financial resources to the work of God through the ministry of St. Paul’s. Like the guests at the wedding feast at Cana, we are witnesses to the transforming power of God’s grace poured out to us in Jesus Christ. May we, who have experienced the incomparable generosity of God, respond likewise in our support of God’s work among us. Pledge cards are available in the pew pockets and at the doors of the church. You can place your completed 2019 Pledge card in the collection plate at offertory or bring it to the church office. An important reminder, if you fulfill your pledge online, you still need to submit a new pledge card for 2019.

In addition to our 2019 Stewardship Pledge Drive, we are excited that our Icons in Transformation exhibit is starting soon! This exhibit will be a wonderful opportuni-ty for us to enjoy the beauty of God made manifest in art, welcome visitors and guests to experience the warmth of our parish family of St. Paul’s, and raise funds to support the ministries of our church. Bishop Chip Stokes will deliver the keynote address at the Preview Party next Sunday evening, January 27 at 6:00 pm! Tickets are available online at or in the court-yard.

Blessings in Christ,

Fr. Paul+