Fr. Paul’s Blog 4.27.18

This weekend we welcome the Rev. Dr. Patricia “Patsy” McGregor! Together with her husband Bishop Todd, Rev. Patsy has served as an Anglican missioner in East Africa since 1991. She will preach at all of our services, sharing with us the remarkable ministry of the Anglican Church among the people of Madagascar and other neighboring communities.

On Sunday morning, after our 10 am service, we continue our Sunday Christian Education Forum Series with a presentation on Christian Yoga from Sally Grillo. Sally is a certified yoga instructor who leads our Christian Yoga classes here at St. Paul’s. This beautiful, holistic form of prayer truly nourishes the body, mind, and soul! I encourage you to come and learn more about it.

This Wednesday, our Diocesan Convention Delegates, Alternates, and I will gather with Bishop Eaton, and other clergy and delegates, at St. Joseph’s Episcopal Church for our Spring Deanery Convocation. One of the great blessings of our Episcopal Church is the active involvement of so many lay people and clergy in our discernment and decision making process as church. I ask your prayers for all those who will attend our Spring Deanery Convocation and the convocations that will take place throughout our diocese.

Finally, next Sunday we will celebrate Daughters of the King Sunday. Our parish Daughters will serve as lectors, chalice bearers, and ushers for our 10 am service. We will welcome a special guest, Mrs. Joy James Williams, the diocesan president of the Daughters of the King. Joy and Barbara Filipowski, our St. Paul’s Chapter president, will host a gathering after the 10 am service for anyone who would like to learn more about the Order of the Daughters of the King.