Fr. Paul’s Blog 4.19.18

This weekend we celebrate Good Shepherd Sunday, the title commonly given to the Fourth Sunday of Easter. In today’s Gospel, Jesus proclaims himself the Good Shepherd. After doing so, he immediately qualifies that title by teaching us that the Good Shepherd (as opposed to the hired hand) lays down his life for the sheep.

What joy we experience when we realize that Jesus, our Good Shepherd, is always there for us. If we embrace our call to be the Body of Christ in the world, our faith motivates us to be there for others: guiding, nourishing, and protecting.

Next weekend, we will welcome Rev. Patsy McGregor, a “good shepherd,” who together with her husband Bishop Todd, has served as an Anglican missioner in East Africa since 1991. Rev. Patsy will preach at all of our services, sharing with us the remarkable ministry of the Anglican Church among the people of Madagascar and other neighboring communities.

Speaking of mission ministry, I want to encourage everyone to come to our South Florida Haiti Project’s “Celebrating the Bondeau Journey” fundraising dinner on April 28. Details about the dinner are in the Acts section of this bulletin.

Finally, on a personal note, I want to thank all of you for your prayers and encouragement as my family walks these final days with my beloved mother, Mary. My family and I are grateful beyond words for your caring and kindness.