Fr. Paul’s Blog 3.17.19


May the grace and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you now and forever. Whether you are a member, a regular attendee, or a first-time visitor, we are blessed to have you with us.
In today’s Lesson from the Book of Genesis, we witness a powerful encounter between God and Abram (who will later be called Abraham). God comes to Abram in a vision, at a time when Abram was feeling overwhelmed and desperate. At the point of despair, rather than turning away from God and giving up, Abram makes a leap of faith. He decides to put his trust in God’s promise of land and descendants.
The leap of faith that Abram makes allows him, and his future offspring, to enter into covenant with God. A relationship has been formed between the Creator and the beloved creation! Abram, through the gift of faith, enters into the mystery of divine love.
Like Abram, we have been invited by God into a covenant relationship. One that is built on faith, hope, and most especially, love. The new Covenant that we enter into through the life-giving waters of baptism is sealed by the body and blood of Jesus Christ.
Lent is the sacred season that encourages us to reflect deeply on our relationship with God, with others, and with all of creation. If we are able to set aside all the distractions, perhaps we, like Abram, will hear the comforting voice of God that reassures us “do not be afraid,…I am your shield.”

In Christ,
Fr. Paul+