Jubilate Youth Choir

Jubilate Youth Choir

The Jubilate Youth Choir meets weekly on Thursdays from 4:30-6pm, followed by family dinner from 6-6:30pm. Affiliated with the Royal School of Church music, the choir follows the “Voice for Life” curriculum, a graded program that teaches healthy singing habits, musical skills and understanding, and repertoire, while also teaching ensemble behavior (commitment, punctuality, responsibility) within a context of Christian ministry. As with all of our Chorister programs, the Jubilate Youth Choir is open to the public, regardless of faith.

Who is eligible?
Girls and Boys: Age 9–eighth grade
Choristers may join at any time during the year. Some 8-year-old choristers are accepted as probationers, based on maturity. All boys and girls join as probationers until the RSCM White level is achieved.

When are rehearsals?
Thursdays from 4:30–6:00 p.m. followed by an optional light dinner, at St. Paul’s. Additional rehearsals are scheduled as needed.

How frequently do the boys and girls sing at St. Paul’s?
Choristers are not required to sing each Sunday, but asked to attend weekly rehearsals and sing at least one Sunday each month and on feast days such as Christmas and Easter.

How do I involve my daughter or son?
Please contact Dr. David Macfarlane at davidm@stpaulsdelray.org

Click here for Youth Choir registration.