Rector’s Blog 8.6.17

Today we celebrate the Feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord.  This special feast day invites us to embrace anew the divine gift of Jesus Christ, revealed to Peter, James, and John as the Son of God, the Chosen Messiah.  Jesus, in his transfigured glory, appears with Moses and Elijah.  Moses is revered by the Jewish people as the giver of the law and the one chosen by God to lead the Israelites out of slavery in Egypt.  Elijah is revered by the Jewish people as the greatest of all of the prophets.  In Jesus, the law and the prophets find their fulfillment.

The Transfiguration was a mountainside moment of grace for Peter, James, and John.  It was an opportunity for them to glimpse the eternal glory of Jesus.  As summer vacation season winds down, I hope that you have had a summer filled with moments of grace.  These moments can energize and sustain us as we return to our more regular, school-year routines.

Next weekend, August 12 & 13, will be filled with blessings!  We will bless teachers at all of our weekend services.  At our 10am service, we will bless our children and their school backpacks.  After the 10am service, we will celebrate a special blessing of our new Day School playground.  Be sure to check out the schedule of upcoming Children, Youth, and Family Ministry events in the Acts of St. Paul section of this bulletin!