What We Believe

St. Paul’s Delray Beach is distinctive. As Episcopalians, we lift the spirit with deep curiosity of scripture, glorious music, and relevant inspiring preaching and teaching for all ages. Our parish is forward thinking with reverence for traditions and the mystery of the Holy Trinity while honoring the beauty of God’s creation in everyone and everywhere. Our parishioners value the awe and reverence seen in our liturgy as it represents something sacred and beautiful. There is comfort here in personal relationships with fellow parishioners and families including our clergy.

We believe in Jesus’ teachings, his miracles, and his resurrection, which gives us hope in the face of our losses and greatest challenges. We believe in Scripture and the power for our lives to be changed as we engage God’s Word through reading the Bible in our daily life, hearing it read aloud at worship and attending Bible studies.

• We love and serve our neighbors

• We welcome all people to our table

• We believe in God’s forgiveness for all

• We proclaim God’s word and live by example

• We celebrate the Holy Communion

• We believe in the case for love that the Gospels make – the universal, unconditional love of Jesus

Our Mission Statement

St. Paul’s Episcopal Church spreads God’s love and grace in the world through inspiring worship, meaningful fellowship, Christian education, and compassionate outreach.

Our Vision Statement

St. Paul’s strives to be recognized as a spiritual leader in our changing community, our doors open to all, a welcoming home to those seeking a deeper relationship with God, a champion of justice and diversity, a servant to those in need, and a loving teacher of God’s Word.

Copyright © St. Paul's Episcopal Church, Delray Beach, Florida. All Rights Reserved.