Women’s Dinners
The Women’s Dinners, led by parishioner Ann Caldwell, are held on the first Monday of each month during the season (October through April). All the women of the parish are invited to participate and bring guests to these wonderfully cooperative community dinners. Each attendee brings either an appetizer, dessert or wine to share. An excellent speaker from the wider community is engaged to address the group at the conclusion of these delicious meals. In the past year, our Women’s Dinner speakers have included Directors of the Delray Beach Historical Society, CROS Ministries, and Sea Turtle Adventures; priests from Bethesda by the Sea, Palm Beach and St. Mary’s Episcopal Church, Stuart; the Manager of Community Access programs for the Norton Museum of Art and a Delray Beach Community Leader and Educator. We look forward to another year of engaging Women’s Dinners and warmly invite you to attend! Please email Ann Caldwell acc_rn@yahoo.com, to join us or for additional information.

Gallery of Dinners from 2024
Phone: 561-276-4541
Address: 188 South Swinton Avenue
Delray Beach, FL 33444 – map link
“Be kindly affectioned one to another…”
Romans 12:10