Creation Care Ministry

The Creation Care Ministry team is led by Professors Sandy Norman and Kristen Murtaugh. Forums and special programs are offered throughout the year to raise awareness of how we may be good stewards of our natural world. In March of 2024, St. Paul’s hosted an inspiring presentation and discussion on climate change with Dr. Katharine Hayhoe, a renowned atmospheric scientist, (and niece of our longtime parishioner Dr. Ruth Hayhoe). A link to Katharine Hayhoe’s weekly blog ( is featured in St. Paul’s Epistle (electronic church newsletter) every week.

The Creation Care Ministry team provides St. Paul’s Facebook page with extraordinary nature photos (taken by the team) combined with quotes from favorite authors, to encourage and uplift the community. New members to the team are always welcome. Please contact Kristen Murtaugh at for ways to become involved in St. Paul’s Creation Care Ministry.

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