Becoming Beloved Community
Sacred Ground
In the fall of 2020, St. Paul’s held the inaugural Sacred Ground Listening Circle, an offering of the National Church’s Becoming Beloved Community initiative. Sacred Ground is a film and readings-based dialogue series on race, that is grounded in faith. And so it happened that during the initial Covid Pandemic period and the racial unrest following the tragedy of the murder of George Floyd, St. Paul’s launched Sacred Ground. A group of twelve pilgrims delved deeply into the history of racism in the United States and in the Church. Zoom discussions met bi-monthly to talk about the films and readings the group studied. All the participants found Sacred Ground an enlightening experience and it became a springboard for further learning and growth. A second Sacred Ground Listening Circle followed the next year, and short-term Becoming Beloved Community discussion groups were offered during the summer months. An ongoing Sacred Spaces Book Club grew out of the Sacred Ground and Becoming Beloved Community Programs.
Sacred Spaces Book Club
The Sacred Spaces Book Club grew out of the Sacred Ground program and began meeting in July of 2023. Every month a book by an author of color is read and discussed. All are welcome to join the group for engaging conversations and warm fellowship! The Sacred Spaces Book Club meets on the third Saturday of each month, at 3:30 p.m. in Bush Hall. Participants are invited to attend the 5:00 p.m. Quiet Eucharist following the book group. Please contact Ellen Kentner for more information at

Phone: 561-276-4541
Address: 188 South Swinton Avenue
Delray Beach, FL 33444 – map link
“Be kindly affectioned one to another…”
Romans 12:10