
Frequently Asked Questions

  • How often can I give on line?
    You may give a one time/single gift or set up a recurring gift.
  • Will it cost me anything to participate in the E-Giving Program?
    No, the church will cover the small service and transaction fees.
  • Can I pay my Annual Pledge on-line?
    Yes, you may make a one-time payment for any amount of your pledge or set up recurring payments.
  • Can I pay my Endowment Pledge?
    Yes, you may make a one-time payment for any amount of your pledge or set up recurring payments.
  • What if I want to give to something that is not listed as a Designated Fund on the e-giving page?
    Please check the box marked ‘other’ and enter the description of your gift in the “Additional Comments” box.
Copyright © St. Paul's Episcopal Church, Delray Beach, Florida. All Rights Reserved.