Our School Day

Drop off & pick up information

Morning Drop-off is at 8:30 am.

For your child’s SAFETY, please stay in your car and drop your child off at the school gate. He or she will be greeted by one of the teachers or the Day School Director who will help them out of their car seat and brought onto the playground.

Pick-up is at 1:30 pm. Enter the north side of the parking lot, position yourself in line, and drive around to the school gate. Your child will then be placed in the car. If someone other than you will be picking up your child, please let us know in advance.

We offer an optional Stay and Play Program from 1:30 pm – 3:30 pm. Pick up for this program is run in the same way as stated above.

Daily activities

All children will need a morning snack and drink plus lunch and drink each day provided by the parents. For those children enrolled in the optional Stay and Play Program from 1:30 pm – 3:30 pm, parents will also need to provide an afternoon snack and drink. A sleep mat for nap time is also required. Bedding is sent home weekly for cleaning.

The classrooms are set up as developmentally appropriate educational centers where the children learn through hands-on activities.

Emphasis is placed on kindness and encouraging the children to appreciate each other. Our school activities and playground time encourage positive social interaction in a fun, safe and creative atmosphere.

Much attention is paid to arts and imaginative play. The children are exposed to letters, numbers, colors, shapes, music, science, and the calendar. Our students are very well prepared for kindergarten.

Weekly activities

  • Children’s chapel
    Wednesday is Chapel Day. The children join in prayers and songs of praise. The Rector or another member of the clergy will share a Bible story. Kindness awards are presented to those children who were observed being especially kind during the week.
  • Music
    Children love to sing. Following singing in Chapel, the children have music class led by our music teacher where many of the songs we learn are heard at our programs for Thanksgiving, Christmas and our Spring Frolic.

Monthly activities

  • Show & tell
    This is scheduled on a monthly basis. Let your child make the choice of what to bring to share with the class (If alive, let us know in advance and please, NO WEAPONS!).
  • Color days
    The children come to school wearing the color of the month. It’s a fun way to learn colors.
  • Birthday celebrations
    We welcome celebrations in the classroom. Talk to your child’s teacher to arrange.
  • Parent coffee mornings
    Each month a parent hosts a coffee morning in the church courtyard or the Day School Office. This informal, relaxed gathering gives parents the opportunity to get to know one another.
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