Day School Events

At least once each month we have a very special happening. These events open learning possibilities in their preparation, are exciting for the children to experience and make wonderful memories.

  • Speech & Language Screening
  • Day School Sunday
  • Fire Department Visit
  • Halloween Trick or Treating
  • Teddy Bear Week & Pajama Day
  • Valentine’s Celebration
  • St. Jude’s Trike-a-thon
  • Dentist’s Visit
  • Kindness Week
  • Vision Screening
  • Watermelon Day


There are three main presentations that take place during the school year.

  • The First Thanksgiving (November)
  • Come to Bethlehem (December)
  • Spring Frolic (May)

The past year’s “Come to Bethlehem” program can be found on St. Paul’s YouTube station.

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