Youth Ministry

All middle school and high school teens are invited to participate in the Youth Group! These are a few of the events planned for the fall:  a beach clean up, a Movie & Pizza Party, Happenings (a spirit-filled weekend event for teens) and so much more! Please stay tuned for meeting dates and times.

The photos on this page are from the fabulous “Youth Week” trip the youth group and chaperones enjoyed this summer at Kanuga, the Episcopal Conference Center in beautiful Hendersonville, NC. Fun, friendship and spiritual growth were the highlights of this exciting week with young people gathered from all over the southeast.

All teens are welcome to get involved in St. Paul’s Youth Group! For more information about St. Paul’s Youth Ministry, please contact: Brandi Bostwick (561)255-2534; and Stephen Linebaugh (717)309-4727;

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