Children’s Ministry

Vacation Bible School

Every summer, Vacation Bible School (VBS) transforms the St. Paul’s campus into a religious theme park of fun and learning. It is a major event for children, teens and families, attracting almost as many volunteers as campers. Children and volunteers expand their  understanding of Bible stories through creative play–skits, songs, crafts, and games. A service project is connected to the themed activities. This past summer, after learning of the Apostle Paul’s imprisonment, children wrote notes of encouragement to those in prison today.

They also learned of Paul’s devotion to Christ and the sharing of the Good News… “let us run with perseverance the race that is set before us.” This scripture from Hebrews sparked many fun foot races and games for the children, during this year’s Olympic themed VBS week.

Please enjoy the photos from the Vacation Bible School Olympics 2024: Run for The Prize, which focused on stories from the life of Paul the Apostle.

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