Rector’s Blog 9.25.16

This Sunday is Social Media Sunday.  Today reminds us that as baptized Christians we are called to share the Good News of Jesus Christ with the world around us.  Social media, used responsibly, is a wonderful way to connect with others and to share the joy of your faith!

Today we also welcome five children into the Church through the life-giving waters of baptism.  Can you imagine what social media will be like when these infants grow into adulthood?  It humbles me to think that these infants being baptized today will probably be more computer literate than me in 10 years!  Please pray for them, their parents, grandparents and family members on this special day.

Next Saturday, October 1st at 4 pm, we will celebrate the Blessing of the Animals in the Delray Beach Children’s Garden west of our main campus.  This wonderful tradition, in observance of the Feast of St. Francis of Assisi, invites us to celebrate God’s love for our pets and all of our furry, feathered, and scaly friends!

I’m thrilled to share with you that the Rev. Helen Trainor will be joining our clergy team here at St. Paul’s!  Rev. Trainor is a vocational deacon and she has been worshipping with us since January.  Some of you may have heard her preach on the first weekend of August.  Vocational deacons are non-stipendiary, meaning their clergy service to the parish is volunteer.  We will welcome Helen next Sunday as she begins her diaconal ministry among us.  We will also welcome back Fr. David Angelica next Sunday!

Finally, what a joy it was for us to welcome Bishop Eaton yesterday.  The bishop was here to celebrate Confirmation, Reception, and Reaffirmation of Faith.  Please pray for those who were confirmed, received, and reaffirmed their faith!