Rector’s Blog 5.28.17

Today, as we observe Memorial Day weekend, we prayerfully remember the women and men who died in service to our country. As we were painfully reminded once again this week with the dreadful bombing in Manchester, England, we live in a world in which far too many people turn to violence and terror as a means of imposing their own personal worldview on the global community. Memorial Day is a sacred time that invites us to honor those people who, rather than being motivated by self-centered objectives, selflessly made the ultimate sacrifice to make our world a more just and peaceful place. May God bless them with the joy of eternal life, and may God bless us by giving us the grace to honor their sacrifice by recommitting ourselves to being doers of justice and makers of peace.
As we get ready to welcome Dr. Paul Cienniwa, our new Director of Music Ministries, next weekend, I want to thank those people who have worked so hard during this interim period of our music ministry. On behalf of our entire parish family, we thank Mary Catherine Salo, Erin Paiva, Brad Keller, Anita Smith, Allen Webber, Brigitte Kumpf, and Marie Ridolfo. We also thank all our musicians, choir members, and Music Guild, who have “gone above and beyond” over these past three months and blessed us with their musical and vocal talents. “Well done good and faithful servants”! [Matthew 25:21]
In Christ,